
google map:,103.898491&z=4&t=m&hl=en&gl=GR&mapclient=embed&cid=366819967255983141

PaxOcean Pertama:


Situated on a 280,000m2 site on the north-western coast of Batam, and shares a common boundary with  Graha yard, while lying within close proximity to Nanindah. This enables them to utilise their yard resources with greater flexibility to meet our customers’ needs. The yard offers docking of Panamax-sized vessels and afloat repairs of VLCC-sized vessels to the marine and offshore sector.



PaxOcean Pertama has become one of the premier ship repair and conversion yards in Batam. Having experienced in complex conversions of cement carriers, landing craft vessels, offshore heavy lift and accommodation barges.

Drydocks Specifications


Name Dock Type(m) Length(m) Width(m)
 Dock 1 Floating 97 24
 Dock 2 Floating 186 36.4
 Dock 3 Floating 235 40
 Dock 4 Floating 300 59

blue bird